Tuesday, November 24, 2015

BeyBlade Burst! Upcoming Releases in Japan!

Here are some Upcoming Releases for the Series~
Please note that respective 
release dates announced are subjected to change/delay with or without notice.

5th December 2015 (Early Released)
B-29 Starter Valkyrie Wing Accel Entry Package
B-30 Starter Spriggan Spread Fusion Entry Package

15th December 2015 (Early Released)
BG-01 Capsule Toy Random Layer Collection Volume 1 (Chaos Layer)

26th December 2015
B-23 Starter Xcalibur Force Xtreme
B-24 Random Booster Volume 2 (Evileye Wing Needle)
B-25 Beyblade Angle Grip
B-26 Beyblade Rubber Assist
B-27 WBBA Official Bladers Box (White)

23th January 2016
B-28 Booster Neptune Armed Zephyr

20th February 2016
B-31 Starter Yggdrasil Ring Gyro
B-32 Shoot Support Rubber
B-33 Beyblade Burst BeyStaduim Standard Type (Black)

Quite a list of support attachment parts coming up  like the revival of the old Angle Compass, B-25 Angle Grip.
B-26 Rubber Assist will greatly assist Bladers with bigger hands improving grip by expanding the grip area.
B-32 Shoot Support Rubber implements the slip tab design and also reduces impact breakage of the string ripcord.

The Re-release of the Valkyrie and Spriggan Starters into B-29, B-30 'Entry Packages' seems puzzling at this time especially when there seem to be no color variations. But according to the release, it comes with a version of Beylauncher called the 'Proto Launcher'. The Ripcord seems shorter and thicker and looks like the Beylogger cannot be attached to Beylauncher.

New sets of BG-01 Capsule Toy Random Layer Collection Volume 1 (5 designs, Clear versions of the 4 main Beys and 1 Exclusive Rare - Chaos Layer)

B-24 Random Booster Volume 2 (8 designs) are something to look forward to to get some new alternate color parts.

Not really sure about new Drivers like Xtreme, Needle, Zephyr and Gyro? Only Xtreme is reviewed in CoroCoro so far being a Rubber Flat (RF). Looking forward to the rest being reviewed.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Beyblade Burst! B-02 Spriggan Spread Fusion DX Starter Review

Second on the Beyblade Burst series~

B-02 Spriggan Spread Fusion DX Starter set!

Layout of Contents:
01 x Layer: Spriggan
01 x Disk: Spread
01 x Driver: Fusion
01 x BeyLogger
01 x BeyLauncher Light
01 x BeyWinder (Normal)
Instruction Manuals

Layer: Spriggan

Motif: Ancient Guardian Golem
Point: Spriggan is a Oval shaped defensive Layer with two impact points. Both defense and attack modes all in one Layer.

Weight: 7.6 grams

The Spriggan Layer approximate diameter span 50.1mm (5cm) 

The base of the Layer has a minimum PVC section concentrated on two farthest points of the Poly Carbonate outer Layer. With only two contact point the Spriggan has a much lower weight distribution. The hollow sections increase recoil impact, in turn increases defense.

Disk: Spread

Motif: Nil
Spread is an all round balance weight disk with an even distributed mass area over a thin thickness ratio. Note the 'S' initials marked on the Disk.

Diameter: 41mm (4.1cm)

Weight: 20.75 grams

The outer circumference of the Spread Disk is curved downwards. This allows a 'push up' effect upon impact from the opponents Disk (if any). The Disk also more aerodynamically designed to Boost longer Spin Ratio. 

Driver: Fusion
Singular unit with a Burst Module. Fusion is similar to the previous Metalfight set up of Height 145 Flat Sharp (H145FS). 

Weight: 5.45 grams

The Fusion Driver as similar properties of an Accel bottom but the small sharp point in the center of it gives the driver a 'Stamina' capability when it reaches a lower spin ratio. (or when it slows down). It being a 2 in 1 Driver system, therefore 'Fusion'.

Performance: Standard Attack Stadium  
Using a Black Standard Attack Stadium for easy visualization purposes only.
(Please use Official Battle BeyStadium for Burst series to avoid any injury!)

Launched in parallel to the stadium surface, the Spriggan Spread Fusion moves fast circling the outer circumference of the Staduim. Similar behavior to the Accel Driver.

When the spin ratio reduces, the Bey slides to the center of the BeyStadium and switches to Stamina mode.


B-02 Spriggan Spread Fusion DX Starter is an all rounded Bey with Defense, Attack and Stamina capabilities all in one. Highly recommended for first time Bladers. A 8/10 get for beginners and a great addition for competitive bladers looking for a Balanced setup.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Beyblade Burst! Checking your Profile in your new Account

This Post will guide you through on whats in your profile page via Web Browser.

After you Login, there are 4 main Tabs on the top of the page.
1) Blader Profile
2) BeyPoints
3) Battle Logs
4) Rankings

1) Blader Profiles
This Section basically shows you your user Name, Image/Background, Favourite Bey on the top and in the table below it, 

Total BeyPoints: Your total points collected throughout your journey. 
Current BeyPoints: Your points left at the current status after using for exchanges, etc...
Highest Shooting Power: The highest Shooting Power obtain through the BeyLogger.
Average Shooting Power: Your overall Shooting Power in all your shoot attempts.
Total Shots Taken: Basically how many successful Launches you have made.

You can edit and change your Profile Character and Backgrounds by Clicking on the current Character Image.

Your Favorite Beyblade can also be Selected by Clicking the area. *Note that you can only select the Beyblades you own* This can be done by scanning the Product QR Codes found in all official Beyblade Burst! Products. (Will be reviewed in future post)

Scroll down and you will see the Trophies you have obtain through Official Tournaments (Japan Only for now). Badges you earn follow after. (You should have one Bronze Badge for now). 

The last section basically shows the current list of the Official Bey Parts you own. This is logged by scanning the Product QR Codes found in all official Beyblade Burst! Products. (Will be reviewed in future post)

Next Tab.

2) BeyPoints
This Section list the Methods you have obtained your points and awards. You can gain BeyPoints though Shooting Power, Total Shots, Products, Battles, etc...

3) Battle Logs
Official BeyBattles with opponents will be logged in this area.

4) Rankings
This section will list your Various Rankings in your region and the whole Japan. Most popular are Total BeyPoints and Total Shots!

How to Setup the BeyApplication and BeyLogger in the Next Post!

3,2,1! Go... SHOOT!

Beyblade Burst! Official Member (Japan) Account Signing Up!

This Post will guide you through on how to Sign Up a Free Account in the Official Beyblade Burst! website. (Japan)

1) Type "https://beyblade.takaratomy.co.jp/" in your internet browser window.

2) At the main page, Click on the Sign Up Account Button at the bottom right corner.

3) Enter a unique Nickname, Email, Password, Birth Year and Month as follows in the image below. After Click the yellow button at the end of the page. *Please Make Sure you enter a working email as a confirmation code will be sent to you shortly*

4) Reconfirm your details and Check the Agreement check box. 
After Click the yellow "Send Confirmation Code" button at the end of the page.

5) Open another window, and check your entered Email.
You should find an email with the One Time Pin Code.

6) Enter the One Time Pin Code in the website and Click on the yellow button below.

7) Sign Up is Complete. Click Login to proceed.

8) Enter your Email Address and Password. Click the Login Button at the Bottom. .

8) If this is your first Login, you will receive a Bronze Login Token.
Tokens and Trophies earns you points and rankings in the future.

Next Post, Checking out the Profile in your Account!

3,2,1! Go... SHOOT!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Beyblade Burst! B-01 Valkyrie Wing Accel DX Starter Review

Greetings fellow Beyblader peeps!
Finally got down to getting our hands on some Beyblades from the latest upcoming series Beyblade Burst! Let start the blog rolling with...

 B-01 Valkyrie Wing Accel DX Starter set!

Layout of Contents:

01 x Layer: Valkyrie
01 x Disk: Wing
01 x Driver: Accel
01 x BeyLogger
01 x BeyLauncher Light
01 x BeyWinder (Normal)
Instruction Manuals

Layer: Valkyrie

Motif: Warrior Valkyrie
Point: 3 Heavy Attack Blades that boost Impact against opponents Beyblade. Chance of Burst Finish is higher! The Poly-carbonate Structure is strong against Impact.

Weight: 7.99 grams

The Valkyrie Layer has an approximate Span Diameter of 45.2mm (4.5cm) 

Under part of the Layer is an equally spread balance ring of PVC plastic. Held to the PC Outer Layer by three screws on each of the 3 Blades. Locking Tabs in the center area is Standard. *Do note that Locking Tabs wear out over time, so do check the Lock Tabs condition prior to any BeyBattle to avoid Sudden Burst Finishes!*

Valkyrie is a very consistent Layer  to use for Attack Bey setups as it has an Equilateral Triangular shape and also an Attack and Parry System. The Red portion is the Attack Blades. Functions as a singular impact hammer when in contact with an opponents Beyblade. The Green portion is the Parry fins. Its sloped in an angle and pointed outwards. This design functions as a defense shield to Bounce off any direct Attacks.

Disk: Wing

Motif: Wings

Weight: 19.35 grams

Diameter: 39mm (3.9cm)
Wing is a Bladed weight disk that has 4 Wings and 2 heavier weight points.
Note the 'W' initials marked on the weight points.

The Wings are slightly angled and this design gives it Upper Force Attack properties . Though the effectiveness of such a gimmick seems redundant as the Disk is hidden under the Valkyrie Layer. Probably the effect of assisting in Attacks from low angles is possible when the Bey is circling in the outer higher level.

Driver: Accel

The Driver is a singular unit that consist of the Burst Module, the Height Unit and the Bottom Unit. Accel is basically a H145F. Which is a Height 145 and a Flat Bottom combination in the previous Metalfight Series. The new thing is the Burst Module which is 'Tamper Proof' (Does not have screws). This Module is a spring loaded lock system which keeps your Beyblade Layer and Disk together. In short, Lock comes loose, You Lose.

The Driver Bottom (Left) is similar to the Previous Flat (F) Bottom Unit (Right) and have pretty much the same properties. But that being said, if the Bottom is wear out overtime or in battle, you would need to replace the Whole Driver Unit.

Weight: 5.64 grams

Putting your Bey together.
With the new Burst Module in this new Bey, putting the Bey together might seem a little tricky at first. Here's how to do it.

First, align the Driver Tabs parallel to the Disk Fixtures as the Image.

If done correctly, the Disk should be able to be pressed down into the Driver Burst Module Unit.

This step is slightly difficult, align the Driver support tab (The white ring with a line on it, marked Red here) And also the Layer center tabs like the Image shown.

Push down the Layer onto the Driver, pressing down the Disk. Once in place turn the Layer to the Right and a Click should be felt. Turn right until you see the Metal Tab on the Disk in the 3 position. 

The Bey is Ready.

Performance: Normal Attack Stadium
Using a Black Standard BeyStadium for this demo for easy visualization purpose only. (Please use proper Battle BeyStadium for Burst series during BeyBattles to avoid any injury!)

Launched at a Parallel angle to the Ground, the Valkyrie Wing Accel moves relatively fast in the Outer ring of the BeyStadium, circling lower as it loses its revolution ratio.

Near the Center, the Bey concentrates in small circles in a 'Flower' pattern before it loses it force and stops. TIP: To start with a 'Flower' attack pattern, shoot at an angle Parallel to the BeyStadium Surface.

BeyBattle Trials: Valkrie Wing Accel vs. Valkrie Wing Accel

Trial #1: 
Both launched at the same time Parallel to the Ground. After circling for one round, The Blue Valkyrie caught up with the Red and with a Strong Impact send it Stadium Out!

Trial #2: 
Both were launched at an angle Parallel to the BeyStadium. Impact started in the center of the BeyStadium and several Impacts were made. At the 4th Impact, The Red Valkyrie Burst Finish the Blue Valkrie! Super fast battle due to the overwhelming Attack Power of the Valkyrie Layer!


B-01 Valkyrie Wing Accel is a high Attack Beyblade with a relatively constant Burst capability due to its strong Impact Attacks. Possibility of Self Stadium Out is quite High. Bladers will need to master the Launching Technique to take full advantage of this Powerful Bey! A easy 10/10 Must have for Attack Type BeyBladers~

How to Use the BeyLogger, BeyApplication and Signing Up in Next Post~!

3,2,1! Go... SHOOT!